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Concept of "Beyond your Labor"

Concept in English follows after Japanese.


個展会場は、Gallery Art Pointという老舗なのですが、私が今回使わせていただくのは、"bis"という小スペース。6畳くらいの広さのスペースの壁に作品を展示します。そんなに広くはないのでたくさんは飾りません。中型作品を4点と小作品4点、立体作品を2、3点の予定です。私としては初めての銀座での展示で、夢の銀座デビューです。


「本日は、Emiko Ishida solo exhibition “Beyond your Labor”にお越しくださいまして、誠にありがとうございます.






私は以下の二点をマルクスから学び、人生最大の疑問にターニングポイントを迎えることになりました。 1.動物である人類にとって、生命維持活動の方法として経済活動そのものが合っていないということ。 2.利益創出のカラクリを知ったこと。資本家は支払う賃金以上に労働者を働かせ、無償で取得した超過分が利潤の源泉であるということ。(マルクスは「搾取」とか「疎外された労働」と表現しています。)





Beyond your Labor、労働の先に、自分の本当の姿があるはずです。




Concept in English:

Dear everyone

Thank you very much for coming to Emiko Ishida solo exhibition "Beyond your Labor".

I mainly used the autumn leaves as a motif for this exhibition. I will be lucky if you feel something odd, seeing the autumn motif in spring. These leaves are not just leaves and these are each people who has no choice but to live in a capitalist society.

I do not want denying capitalism. Thanks to capitalism, per capita income has been 250 times higher than before the Industrial Revolution and the number of people suffering from starvation has also decreased. I’m just proud of our efforts of every one of us who has survived in the capitalist society.

The work is an important thing in our life, even we can say Job = Life. Honestly, there might not be a few people who deceive themselves by watching their real desire in order to live and earn the money.

Born in a capitalist country, received the education, and worked without any question. I set aside my dreams of becoming an artist and became an accountant who can be economically independent. Of course, there were the day that I could enjoy the work but it was basically harsh for me. I had the real enjoyment in my free time. Where does this suffering come from? I had been looking for a root of this feelings and doubts for many years, but neither parent nor teacher taught me. I think that all the people around me lived under the premise of capitalism (under mind control).

Karl Marx is a philosophy / economist who have analyzed capitalism most logically. Recently, I could be released from the mind control set by the country by reading his books.

I learned two following points from Marx and it is likely to be a turning point to my biggest question in my life.

1. For human beings who are animals, the economic activities themselves are not in agreement as the activities to support the lives.

2. Knowing the way of profit generation. Capitalists let the workers work to create the value beyond the paying wages and acquire the excess for free which is the source of profit. (Marx expresses it as "exploitation" or "alienated labor".)

My pain was not only due to a personal matter but also due to a human beings' matter. It was a pain from the exploitation.

The labor exploited has been gathered and became capital, and capitalism was developed by the growth of capital. Economic wealth has been raised so that poverty has drastically decreased from the world. However, while depression patients increase year by year, it is clear that financial wealth and mental richness do not scale.

It is certain that capitalism opened the gate of fertile land, but capitalism alone would not be able to maintain this fertile land. We are in the stage of seeking mental richness and finding another way to improve the quality of life.

What society is beyond capitalism? What kind of society do you aim for?

“Beyond your Labor”, you will find your real figure.

May 2018

Emiko Ishida

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